
Me (left) and Defected Records main man Simon Dumore at We Are FSTVL

We are Undiscovered Sounds

Launched in March 2021 by journalist, blogger and aspiring DJ and producer Jake Colley to provide a platform for emerging electronic music artists and to shine a light on underground talent and share tips.

As a massive fan of electronic music, I have seen how many artists are out there that don’t get the recognition they deserve. Undiscovered Sounds hopes to promote these artists and also provide DJs with content that will help them to grow.

Content includes weekly blog posts promoting tracks with fewer than 10,000, regular guest mixes and interviews and the upcoming That DJ Podcast. Talking all things electronic music.

If you haven’t already, please follow us on the social links below. If you think we should be doing something differently, or you would like to give feedback, please email undiscoveredsoundz@gmail.com

Are you a DJ or producer? Do you love electronic dance music? If so, we have a podcast just for you. Each week I talk to emerging DJs, producers and industry professionals – all with the aim of helping aspiring DJs to progress in their careers.